Freeman Exteriors

Category: Roof Inspection

roof protection

How to Protect Your Roof During the Winter

It’s with no doubt your roof is an integral part of your house. It’s the first line of defense against harsh weather conditions and intruders. Whether you have slate, copper, or tile roofs, the roof can last up to 50 years if properly maintained. Let’s be honest: when most people hear about roof maintenance, they

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when you should replace your roof

When Should You Replace Your Roof? Top Signs to Look Out For

When was the last you checked the condition of your roof? Are you wondering when you should replace your roof? Home roof replacement is a substantial investment, and the idea of replacing or not replacing is not one to be taken lightly.  If you overlook the signs that your roof needs to be replaced, you

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when you should replace your roof

When Should You Replace Your Roof? Top Signs to Look Out For

When was the last you checked the condition of your roof? Are you wondering when you should replace your roof? Home roof replacement is a substantial investment, and the idea of replacing or not replacing is not one to be taken lightly.  If you overlook the signs that your roof needs to be replaced, you

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roof repair services

How to Choose the Best Roof Repair Services

A roof replacement in the United States typically costs more than $10,000. When you’re about to use such a large sum of cash, it’s critical to get the job done correctly. Hiring a reputable company is a great way to guarantee your new roof can last for years to come. However, with a myriad of

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moss on roof

The Importance of Removing Moss on a Roof

Roofing systems in America are designed to be replaced every 30 years, on average. During that time, your roof will face a variety of issues that you need to deal with. And given how critical the roof is to the overall structure of the house, most of these issues need prompt solutions. Unfortunately, some common

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how to clean a roof

This Is How to Clean a Roof the Right Way

It’s no secret that mold and algae can creep up onto your roofs and cause structural damage. As a homeowner, these roof-related issues might make you feel helpless since they feel inevitable. However, you can keep mold and other contaminants from messing up your roof by cleaning them regularly. But how do you clean a

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preparing for winter

Preparing for Winter: This Is How to Get Your Roof Ready

Winter weather poses many threats to residential roofing. In fact, heavy snow may even cause your roof to collapse. By preparing for winter and learning how to winterize a roof, many of these winter roofing problems can be avoided.  Do you want to learn how to get your roof ready for winter? Keep reading this

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homeowners insurance

7 Unusual Types of Damage Covered by Homeowners Insurance

You have homeowners insurance because you know you have to have it. And because of it, if there’s ever damage to your home, you know you’re covered. But do you truly know everything that your insurance covers? This guide discusses a few types of damage that you may have not known were covered by insurance! Keep reading to

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The Big Question: How Much to Repair a Roof?

Water brings life, and a calming rain forms the backdrop of a peaceful moment. But that peace can quickly turn to turmoil when the gentle rain turns into a loud dripping sound in your home. You quickly realize that moisture has breached your roof, and you need to find a solution.  Nightmares of paying thousands of dollars

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How Long Does a Roof Last? The Lifespan Explained

Some types of roofing will last more than 200 years, while others will need to be replaced before your children are out of high school.  So answering the query, “How long does a roof last?” depends on what it is made of and where your home is located.  Clay tiles will not work in cold New England,

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